Manipulation of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states in ultracold Bose gase Manipulation of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states in ultracold Bose gase

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    We produce a rubidium Bose-Einsten-condesate (BEC) in a spherical optical dipole trap with a temperature of  about 50 nK. We transfer the orbital-angular momentum (OAM) of optical field to ultracold atoms using the Raman coupling technique. On this special system, we will explore exotic OAM states in quantum gases and their potential applications in quantum processing and precision measurment. Some research directions are summarized as follows.

  1. Spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupling (SOAMC) of ultracold quantum gases.
  2. Superposition and entanglement of OAM states in quantum gases.
  3. Precision measurement of magnetic field using the OAM matter-wave interferometer. 
  • Isotropic expansion of a spherical Bose condensate


Non-equillibrium behaviors with many-body interactions in denerate Fermi gases Non-equillibrium behaviors with many-body interactions in denerate Fermi gases

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    We produce 6Li degenerate Fermi gases using the evaporative cooling in an optical dipole trap. We tune the inter-atomic interactions usiing the magnetic Feshbach resonance or modulate the trapping potential by adjusting the optical trap. We mainly want to explore non-equillibium behaviors with many-body interactions in Fermi gases. Some research directions are summarized as follows.

  1.  Universal laws with a modified Hamitonian
  2.  Scaled behaivors in a quenched system
  3.  Precision measurement with Li atoms
  • Anisotroptic expansion of a unitary degenerate Fermi gas