Scale invariance of a spherical unitary Fermi gas, (Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 243403 (2024), Editors' Suggestion)
Summary: A unitary Fermi gas in an isotropic harmonic trap is predicted to show scale and conformal symmetry that have important consequences in its thermodynamic and dynamical properties. By experimentally realizing a unitary Fermi gas in an isotropic harmonic trap, we demonstrate its universal expansion dynamics along each direction and at different temperatures. We show that as a consequence of SO(2,1) symmetry, the measured release energy is equal to that of the trapping energy. We further observe the breathing mode with an oscillation frequency twice the trapping frequency and a small damping rate, providing the evidence of SO(2,1) symmetry. In addition, away from resonance when scale invariance is broken, we determine the effective exponent $\gamma$ that relates the chemical potential and average density along the BEC-BCS crossover, which qualitatively agrees with the mean field predictions. This work opens the possibility of studying non-equilibrium dynamics in a conformal invariant system in the future.(Paper, Link) |
Phase-locking matter-wave interferometer of vortex states, (npj Quantum Inf. 8, 78 (2022))
Summary: Here we report the experimental realization of a vortex matter-wave interferometer by coherently transferring the optical angular momentum to an ultracold Bose condensate. We use the angular interference technique to measure the relative phase of two vortex states. For a lossless interferometer with atoms only populating two spin states, the difference between the relative phases in the two spin states is locked to $\pi$. We also prove the robustness of this out-of-phase relation, not sensitive to the angular-momentum difference between two vortex states, constituent of Raman optical fields and expansion of the condensate. The experimental results agree well with the calculation from the unitary evolution of wave packet in quantum mechanics. This work opens a new way to build a quantum sensor based on the vortex matter-wave interference.(Paper, Link) |
Characterizing the temporal rotation and radial twist of the interference pattern of vortex beams, (Opt. Commun. 518, 128339 (2022))
Summary: We experimentally and theoretically characterize the temporal rotation and radial twist of the interference pattern of a vortex beam with its conjugate copy. To quantitatively study the temporal rotation and radial twist, we controllably modify the conjugate beam to obtain a frequency or wavefront curvature difference using a movable Mach–Zehnder interferometer. The effects of the physical parameters (i.e., the topological charge, frequency difference and wavefront curvature difference of the vortex beams) on the temporal rotation as well as radial twist are systematically explored. We further measure two parameters, the rotation velocity and twist coefficient , respectively, to characterize the degree of the temporal rotation and radial twist of the interference pattern. The theory of the interference model on vortex beams has good agreement with the experimental results. (Paper, Link) |
Observation of the BEC-BCS crossoverin a degenerate Fermi gas of lithium atoms, (Chin. Phys. B 31(1), 016701 (2022))
Summary: We observe characteristic atomic behaviors in the Bose–Einstein-condensation-Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BEC-BCS) crossover, by accurately tuning the magnetic field across the Feshbach resonance of lithium atoms. The magnetic field is calibrated by measuring the Zeeman shift of the optical transition. A non-monotonic anisotropic expansion is observed across the Feshbach resonance. The density distribution is explored in different interacting regimes, where a condensate of diatomic molecules forms in the BEC limit with the indication of a bimodal distribution. We also measure the three-body recombination atom loss in the BEC-BCS crossover, and find that the magnetic field of the maximum atom loss is in the BEC limit and gets closer to the Feshbach resonance when decreasing the atom temperature, which agrees with previous experiments and theoretical prediction. (Paper, Link) |
Production of Degenerate Fermi Gases of 6Li Atoms in an Optical Dipole Trap, (Chin. Phys. Lett. 38 (5), 056701 (2021))
Summary: We report the experimental production of degenerate Fermi gases of 6Li atoms in an optical dipole trap. The gray-molasses technique is carried out to decrease the atomic temperature to 57 nK, which facilitates the efficient loading of cold atoms into the optical dipole trap. The Fermi degeneracy is achieved by evaporative cooling of a two-spin mixture of 6Li atoms on the Feshbach resonance. The degenerate atom number per spin is 3.5*104, and the reduced temperature T/TFis as low as 0.1, where TFis the Fermi temperature of the non-interacting Fermi gas. We also observe the anisotropic expansion of the atom cloud in the strongly interacting regime. (Paper, Link) |
Expansion dynamics of a spherical Bose–Einstein condensate, (Chin. Phys. B 28(10), 106701 (2019))
Summary: We experimentally and theoretically observe the expansion behaviors of a spherical Bose–Einstein condensate. A rubidium condensate is produced in an isotropic optical dipole trap with an asphericity of 0.037. We measure the variation of the condensate size in the expansion process after switching off the trap. The free expansion of the condensate is isotropic, which is different from that of the condensate usually produced in the anisotropic trap. We derive an analytic solution of the expansion behavior based on the spherical symmetry, allowing a quantitative comparison with the experimental measurement. The interaction energy of the condensate is gradually converted into the kinetic energy during the expansion and after a long time the kinetic energy saturates at a constant value. We obtain the interaction energy of the condensate in the trap by probing the long-time expansion velocity, which agrees with the theoretical calculation. (Paper, Link), [Suggested by Edotors] |
Ground-state phase diagram of a spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupled Bose-Einstein condensate, (Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 110402 (2019))
Summary: We experimentally realize the spin-orbital-angular-momentum (SOAM) coupling by using a pair of Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian laser beams, and map out the ground-state phase diagram. The phase transition is demonstrated to be of the first order. We observe the hysteresis loop associated with the first-order phase transition. The interatomic interaction effect on the phase transition is also elucidated. (Paper, Link). [Research Highlights in Science Foundation in China 27: 12 (2019)] |
Atomic Dynamic Behaviors in the Evaporative Cooling by In-Situ Imaging the Plugged Hole of Ultracold Atoms, (Chin. Phys. Lett. 35, 086701 (2018))
| Summary: We experimentally observe the dynamic evolution of atoms in the evaporative cooling, by in-situ imaging the plugged hole of ultracold atoms. We probe the variation of the atomic temperature and width versus the radio frequency in the evaporative cooling. Both the behaviors are in good agreement with the calculation of the trapping potential dressed by the rf signal above the threshold temperature, while deviating from the calculation near the phase transition. (Paper, Link) |
Contact Theory for Spin-Orbit-Coupled Fermi Gases, (Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 060408 (2018))
Summary: We extend the contact theory to the spin-orbit-coupled (SOC) Fermi system. New scattering paramters, besides the s- and p-wave scattering length (volume), are required due to the SOC effect. The energy adiabatic relation and large-momentum distrituion are obtained for the coupled system. (Paper, Link) |
Production of Rubidium Bose–Einstein Condensate in an Optically Plugged Magnetic Quadrupole Trap, (Chin. Phys. Lett. 33, 076701 (2016))
Summary: We experimentally produce the rubidium Bose–Einstein condensate in an optically plugged magnetic quadrupole trap. The atom number of the condensate is 1.2(0.4) × 105 and the temperature is below 100 nK. We also study characteristic behaviors of the condensate, such as phase space density, condensate fraction and anisotropic expansion. |
Enhanced trapping of cold 6Li using multiple-sideband cooling in a two-dimensional magneto-optical trap, (Phys. Rev. A 92, 013419 (2015))
Summary: We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate the enhancement of 6Li trapping efficiency in a three-dimensional magneto-optical trap (3D MOT) by using the multiple-sideband cooling in a two-dimensional magneto-optical trap (2D MOT). The number of trapped atoms in the 3D MOT is 6.0 × 108, which is higher by a factor of 4 than in the case of single-frequency cooling. We have investigated the dependence of atom number on laser detuning, and our experimental result agrees well with the prediction of a simple two-level model. (Paper, Link) |
Manipulation of p-Wave Scattering of Cold Atoms in Low Dimensions Using the Magnetic Field Vector, (Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 250401, 2014)
Multiple side-band generation for two-frequency components injected into a tapered amplifier,(Opt. Lett. 38, 033601, 2013)
Summary: We have experimentally studied multiple side-band generation for two-frequency components injected into a tapered amplifier (TA) and demonstrated its effects on atomic laser cooling. A heterodyne frequency-beat measurement and a Fabry–Perot interferometer have been applied to analyze the side-band generation with different experimental parameters. The side-band generation with a small frequency difference has a significant effect on the number of trapped atoms. |